This story revolves around the fairytale, "The Little Mermaid". This will definitely make you pity a few characters. Sometimes even hate or come to terms with others. I also love how emotionally driven this is.
It's been quite a long time since I've read this, so I don't remember much. The story starts off in the middle of darkness caused by some unknown source and dangerous critters that surround the area. This story will make you cringe or gag, but it will also make you fall in love with the characters and cry at some points. The concept of the story is unique, artstyle seems unique as well.
The concept is generic, but it feels fresh and unique. The main character has surprised me since she doesn't act like others would in other novels and such. Despite her innocent look, she is actually very strong-willed. Her husband acts in an adorable manner despite being called hideous and being discriminated by everyone outside of the castle (?). The servants are also really kind, but strong people.