This father daughter duo stabbed my heart with sugar knives
It has many many unexpected twists and revenge mechanism is also complex! Overall a long awauted gem!
One thing i liked about this story - each time she rewinded, the world became harder!
She came back for love, she came back to sattle things up, she came back for her enemy.
Long paced romance with stong built up story.
Its less issekai and mire rewind..... good built
....... cultivation lore and character development as well as background is also rich....... healthy romance progression........... just the ageing part is full of cheating, but what to say! This is afterall on cultivation setting
There are tons and tons of drama here, but despite being typical Chinese drama, all revenge arcs are well built........also graphics is good
It is the cheap dramatic l version of legendary SHADOW QUEEN...... predictable plotine , boreing progression and somewhat weak protagonist.....not enjoyable