Sexy purple haired lady aka the “Host” travels into different universes and fucks shit up, 10/10, I definitely recommend.
Medea best girl, periodt. 3 traumatized young adults(?) fight over the throne and against a stupid bitch. Stupid bitch is the crown prince, I hate him I want to fistfight him. Helios is hot, Medea x Helios forever, or maybe Psyche, Medea and Helios can be in a poly relationship that'd be good too idc. I just know I want to HANG the crown prince.
Girl gets reincarnated and first its super boring so she tries to be outstanding or w/e but then an asshole ruins her dream, years later some shit happens and she has to marry a Duke, the plot is like my will to live, n o n e x i st a nt, but the Duke is hot.
Useless bitch becomes useful and then gains a harem bc they all want her ass.
Girl marries man thats like 30+ years her age, becomes mother to his already existing children, children hate her, she becomes the big dead and gets sent back in time.
Man I dont even know what the fuck going on, but basically this chic gets sent into this book so she can save the tragic villain or w/e.
Girl has a shitty family so she yeets herself out of there and she also has a super OP power and she gets adopted.