The romance manga is about "love that starts with a voice." The story follows the relationship that is "a little different" between high school students Yuiko and Matsubara, a boy who is also "a little different." Matsubara is a kind boy with a wonderful voice. After hearing him over the phone, Yuiko finally meets Matsubara at school and discovers that he always wears a paper bag over his head. Yuiko wonders about the mysterious boy, and their relationship begins
100 years after her death, Empress Martina, the founder of the Carabella Empire, reincarnates as Astina Lette, the daughter of a count. Her peaceful, everyday life as a noble lady, a stark contrast to her past life, is short-lived, however. With the bankruptcy of her father's failed trade business, her family falls into great debt. Astina decides to sell herself off to marry Grand Duke Thereode in place of her sister Kanna to save her family from their financial crisis. But Thereode is forever c
This is the story between a young innocent ballet boy and a passionate, determined boxing boy. The two met at the children's palace, and since then, they have grown up together supporting each other. May there be hardships, may there be obstacles, yet they never stopped pursuing their dreams. The beauty of the salad days is the sweat from the hard work and the bonding of friendship. Although they have completely different paths set up for them, what never changes is their beautiful friendship...
The story of two crazy close friends and a fujoshi who loves shipping them.
gut wrenching.