People followed :.p(rxp)-(↻⚲)㐨-Ⱑ⇳—Rich x Poor|Poor x Rich page 1
Create: 2020-08-23 Last update: 2021-08-10
—FullTitle— :.p(rxp)-(↻⚲)㐨-Ⱑ⇳—Yaoi - PAIRING - Rich x Poor|Poor x Rich —Symbols— [⚣]-Yaoi Genre=[㐨]=PAIRING Sub.Genre=[Ⱑ⇳=SocialHierarchy] Related=[⾍=Relationships]
⻈—2xMCs who form a Pair, Partnership or Team, where: 1MC is rich / of high social status & the other MC is poor / of low social status ↳pair can refer 2: Romance,Smut,Friend,Coworker...