- Genre: Superpowers and Zombies
- A pretty mix of Asian and American art styles
- Realistic badass male lead: he isn't too OP (yet?) which is quite refreshing since I like to see the progression of strength instead of just instant OP-ness
- Plenty of action
- Romance: None so far (male lead does have a very loyal badass female sidekick, I just hope their dynamic doesn't change to a romantic one)
- My Rating: 8.5/10
- Genre: Isekai (this one has a very interesting premise as traditional gender roles are subverted in the new realm)
- Gorgeous, gorgeous art!
- Badass anti-hero male lead
- Phantom Paradise? More like ACTION (and pretty boy) Paradise
- Romance: None so far, but I'm not caught up yet (there's tons of cute bromances though :D)
- My Rating: 8/10
- Genre: Supernatural
- A pretty mix of Asian and American art styles
- Wholesome bff male leads: one cute floofy badass and one cinnamon roll tsundere who will probably become OP
- Action and wholesomeness
- Romance: None so far
- My Rating: 9/10
- Genre: Monsters and Superpowers
- Okay art style, but you don't really notice it because the plot is the bomb dot com
- Badass relatable male lead
- Sweet, sweet action
- Romance: Okay, so, I know this kind of goes against this list, but the plot is so good I just had to include this one. There are obvious hints of romance and relationships developing, but it isn't the main focus of the story so it's highly tolerable.
- My Rating: 9.5/10 (also, Netlix adaptation confirmed AHHH
- Genre: Life, Psychological, and Supernatural
- I can't get over how beautiful the art is ; w ;
- Stoic grim reaper with multiple interesting female and male leads (each chapter tells a different story with an overarching theme)
- Not really an action-based webtoon, but this one has you on the edge of your seat in a psychological way
- Romance: Not romance-based (there may be relationships in some chapters, but it's not the focus of the story)
- My Rating: 9.5/10
Currently on Chapter 33.
Currently on Chapter 3.
To-read: will confirm romance status later on.