(᠓)--(⚤❥)⏭93 1• 2000 19oct2020 17nov2020 —5
"If you wrote me, then you can give me the throne!" Yoonsoo is the successful author of a popular fantasy series. Just as she's about to start work on a new series, Imperial Prince Einzen Kyte, the worst villain she created has kidnapped her into the world of her own story?! Based on the hit novel.
(త)--(⚤)⏭80 1• 2000 17nov19 26nov20 —5
Caesar’s family is well known in Catsrule
☣A bit superficial on ㎰ychological aspecʦ. Would B g⚮d if they acted more cat-like ㏌ maerisms, movement, environment, etc. Ended a little abruptly.
Nora didn’t want 2 die, she just wanted 2 save drown㏌g cat. But she drowned ㏌stead & awoke ㏌ Catsrule, a world ruled by cat anthros who keep huma㎱ as peʦ. S⚮n Nora is captured & adopted by Caesar, a cat boy who hates huma㎱