I SWEAR TO FUCK! That read haired turd lookin' piece of shit is so FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Each chapter, i couldn't help but pray for her death. Is it so much to ask for? You know, a manga that doesn't have any thirsty ass shits that blushes 24/7 like they have a vibrator up their crusty vagina? No, right? It isn't?
Tsk, and it's actually a pretty good manga, too. That one character made this drop from 5 stars to 3.
It's... ight. That's legit what this is. Just... ight. It's like solo leveling met tomb raider and the had a baby, but the baby wasnt washed properly so it had a little crap smeared all over it, but it was still cute cause, well, it's a baby.
I... can't help but be scared. I was reading a previous manga like this and then they brought up incest all of a sudden with the excuse of, "Oh, we have to continue our bloodline, so i guess I'll have to FUCK MY SISTERRRR?????" BITCH, WHAT THE FUCK???? Pretty sure that's not how it works.
Any way, let's just hope this wonderful manga doesn't turn into a sister-fucking parade.
The main characters are... uh... um... uhhhhhh... Fuck, can't describe them. That's a first. Hm, let's see... they're... crazy? And not in the good way. There's no charm to it. They're just straight up, "please get away from me" type crazy. The kinda crazy you'd want nothing to do with. It's not, "Oh, you could step on me any day, daddy~~ " nope, none of that.
...it's got hot guys...
...and likeable characters...
.........wait, don't tell me.......
well, main character's hot, so everything's fine ^^
Your reviews are so fucking funny I love it
I love this review
Awweee, thankssss!!!