overview: jaewon, who has always been confused about his sexual orientation, gets nervous of his crush on the class president karam. turning to the internet for help, he finds junseo, a tall and cold student in his year.
review: this is the cutest BL harem ever known to exist! the illustrations... pastel aesthetics... the five wonderful boys... it's an all-time favourite (& the only manhwa i'd love so much despite wishing the ending was different)!
plot: 9/10
drawings: 9.5/10
overview: boeun keeps having dreams of her high school crush, saeyeon, after a stray cat dallae whom she befriended keeps coming to her house. the more she thinks about it, the more she wonders... could there be a connection?
review: this is the most wholesome gl ever! i love it - the art is pretty, colouring is beautiful, the couple is just so cute... the plot too... my heart burst open before i could even help it!
plot: 8.5/10
drawings: 9.5/10
overview: yohan, realising his senior moogyeong has an unrequited crush on a classmate, is determined to help after he saw the heartache it caused his brother 10 years prior. his straightforward personality however makes it hard to seem sincere...
review: very wholesome relationship! it's not too slow yet not too fast, and the couple are unproblematic - it's so real with their issues they face that you can't help but fall for them. slow updates ):
plot: 8.5/10
drawings: 8.5/10
overview: jaewoo, who was rejected by his closest friend and unrequited love soojin, never expected to find consolation in the latter's brother.
review: this is so soft! i liked this because it's so pretty, the colouring is cute & the drawings are beautiful too. the couple are so wholesome and the countryside vibes to the plot made it even softer.
plot: 8/10
drawings: 9/10
overview: seunghee is caught cross-dressing while on a date with a man by his class president seungtaek, and begins to be bothered by a classmate kyubin.
review: the relationships are so cute! though seunghee's love story was blurred in the middle, i loved the pairings - especially kyubin and seungtaek - and how the story advances. the drawings are cute too.
plot: 8.5/10
drawings: 8.5/10
overview: sehyun moves into a new apartment, only to hear his rather emotional neighbour doeun crying loudly every night.
review: the illustrations are so cute and the boys are so handsome! moreover, the plot is light-hearted, humorous and adorable! this is one of my favourite quick-reads - i wish i could see more of their story.
plot: 8/10
drawings: 8.5/10
overview: seheon is a new transfer student who wants nothing more than to play the piano. however, taeyi - a classmate - grows agitated at his playing for no apparent reason... or so he thinks.
review: this is such an amazing read, and seheon & taeyi are just so damn adorable - not to mention the side couples; both odd but adorable pairings. the drawings are rough but nice & the plot overall is so well-constructed and melancholic.
plot: 9/10
drawings: 7/10
overview: heesu's world revolves around his best friend & unrequited love, chanyoung. however, a rumour saying heesu can fix anyone's love problems brings year mate seungwoo to him, and heesu has no choice but to comply to his request.
review: very cute & soft - the characters are so cute! though i think it could've ended halfway through season 2, i'm happy with the plot. the 'sunwoo in class 2' stories need a sequel!
plot: 8/10
drawings: 7.5/10
overview: xiao guang & lin xiang are best friends who go to high school together. when feelings beyond friendship start to develop, the two must fight through societal values, family expectations and most of all, each other.
review: very soft and wholesome! the plot is very vanilla, and the drawings are cute.
[SPOILER] i do wish they didn't have to split up for a while at the end before they could see each other again.
plot: 7.5/10
drawings: 8/10