It's great as a light read. Characters are consistent throughout and each and I enjoyed each and every one of them. The concept is nice as I don't actually see a lot of fashion BL. Obviously, because of having only 24 chapters, it does not delve too deep in plot and character. But what it provides in those 24 chapters is more than enough to make this a great light read. The relationship is very cute near the end.
I think this is the best fluffy / feel-good BL I've read. The characters here are all so loveable and the main couple's relationship is so cute. I love watching them fall in love even more with each other and also loved seeing the conflicts they faced. The second season did a great job on showing problems readers can relate to. The BL had a good sense of when to make things serious and how to bring it back to fluff. My mouth hurts from smiling for 169 chapters.
Tragedy is a very nice tag for this. This one shot made me feel so much emotions in one chapter. Happiness, sadness, warmth and bitterness. The story was really nice and the ending just hit you in the feels. This author's work is just so amazing and fluffy that I didn't take the Targedy tag serious. I was wrong. The BL is implied and even though not outwardly stated, it gives you enough scenes for you to wonder why their relationship is. Amazing!
Tragedy tag is strong in this one. This BL realistically depicts the emotion in a 10 year relationship gone wrong. The happiness in the beginning and then the slow decline as time goes on. It breaks your heart seeing how this BL uncovers this. The main character is very likeable. Love the symbolism in this and the color palette. The extras in the webcomic app really brings the story to a close and novel does it even better. Some scenes were a bit abrupt.