fl got poisoned by her younger sister bc the sister is jealous of how her own 'lover' (homunculus-turned-emperor via rebellion ml...tldr homunculus is a minority of brainwashed superhuman-soldiers) is lowkey in love w fl and ml turns back time and blah blah a lot of plotty stuff that cant fit here. tldr its a good story bc the fl doesnt change into like, a completely different person like many isekai characters that have been wronged, and the plot is actually quite riveting
hold up bc the fl is sooo op i love that haha shes really smart and shes her actions are reasonable like u know how some fls r do stuff for a shit reason and slows dpwn the plot or just creates a whole scene ?? yeah. the art is spectacular but it does slightly change throughout the webtoon but not in a bad way, just for some reason not the same art as it was at the beginning. a bit confusing at some points bc theres a time skip and also general translation mistakes but overall a good webtoon