By far the cutest BL I have ever read! Heesu ad Seungwon have my whole heart— If you haven’t read this, please do!! If diabetes had a webtoon form, it would be this webtoon.
It’s been a while since I last read this one, but I remember really enjoying it because of the fluff and cuteness + the art is phenomenal! If you haven’t read Fools yet, please do so!
I thoroughly enjoyed this one! It has a lot of psychological elements in it, but that’s part of the reason to why I enjoyed it so much + the world itself is super cool! Who wouldn’t want to read about a society where people who can only tell the truth exist and that the existence of a person who can both lie and tell the truth is just a mere fantasy?
I loved this one so so much! Omg, okay, first of, Jaehyun and Eunsung have such a healthy relationship?? Like, they both respect each other, love each other, and are always there for each other and I love that. I love them. They’re adorable. And I love the whole plot too with the game and stuff— Also, the chemistry between Jaehyun and Eunsung? I’ll never get over it oml... they’re so into each other... I love that for them.