A 4koma gag series that transforms into a slice of life school comedy about 5 junior high school boys & their guardians, mixed with some shady mafia mystery and packed with awesomeness comedy!
Receptioning the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn't that bad of a person at all...
A lightread approach to a real life sttuggle of falling in love to the same gender--- but with much comedy, fluffiness and moeeee
What if you could talk to your favorite fictional character every day? And what if they make you feel like the most special person in the world? Some fans dive into their TV/movie/book obsessions on social media by interacting with accounts that take on the persona of their favorite characters. But what if the person behind that fictional account is actually...the very star who played that role?