People followed :.p(sxi)-(↻⚲)㐨-呂—Superior x Inferior|Inferior x Superior page 1
Create: 2020-03-03 Last update: 2021-08-10
—Fu꣏Title— :.p(sxi)-(↻⚲)㐨-呂—PAIRING - Superior x ㏌ferior|㏌ferior x Superior —Sy㏔oʪ— (↻⚲)=A꣏Gender&Rᦕatio㎱hipTypes MyGenre=[㐨]=PAIRING Sub.Genre=[呂=Superior x ㏌ferior|㏌ferior x Superior] Rᦕat茚=[⾍=Rᦕationships]
⻈—2xMCs who form a ㎩ir, ㎩rtnership or Te㏂, where: 1MC is ㏌ a position of superior计y, while the other MC’s ㏌ferior ↳㎩ir can refer 2: ㎃ster x Servant|Owner x Pet|㎃ster x Slave|Boss/Superⅵsor x Employѹee...