Cute and angst. But it's cute after all!!!
This turned out to be pretty good.
But a warning to some people out there. This could be a trigger for some. So, make sure you're in a "good place" at the moment of reading, or leave it be!
This was pretty cute.
This is a pretty cute one!!! It ended too soon though.
This is very cute!
My gawd, I Love this! I love themmmm!!!!! I Love the memes also! LOL. And also, this is cute. I want some more of them!!!! I hope we end up getting more later. Even their love scenes managed to still be HOT even though they're covered with clouds!!!!
(From about the end part of chapter 20 until chapter 31, it's pretty much a recap on the whole beginning of the story. Just from Lee Geum's point of view.)
Ok, this was precious!!!!! I would have loved to have seen more. They could have AT LEAST shown HuanYuan actually getting together. They were both so cute. Why couldn't have they done just ONE chapter that showed their confession!? That's all it would've took. I'm super bummed that they didn't. This still went beyond my expectations though. It was a LOT better than I'd thought it would be! After finally reading this, NOW I understand why so many in the comments section said they have read it mor