The sexy eyed Mr. Inhyuk looks like an uke character (I ship him with Mr. Park). Jiwoo is too pretty and cute, I ship him with Wooin. I'm so sorry. Bad mind! Cat Kayden thunderbolt pikachu is so naughty and sly he shoulda been a fox. But when he's a human Kayden, he's so sexy and beautiful. I ship him with Chairwoman Yoo Jiyoung (not your typical loud and cutesy female protagonist) Love her mysterious, no-nonsense persona!!! Kaiden x Curtin duo is totally hilarious!
Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light + Sovereign of the Dead + Human Grit = OP Imperishable MC
Ironic what he defined strength and the source of his weakness was actually his future self. No verbose boring narration coz the art is language itself. I'm ruined. My standard's shot up once again. Deserving of high rating! $uperb!
There's room for another season but... oh, well.
Edit: I knew there'd be more to this
The plot, character profiling, the thrill and action, and even the comedy were all so good. The MC was so OP that his human body was unable to hold all of the power. Side character (Frankenstein) is definitely my most favorite. So brave, loyal, true yet naughty and evil. It was such a page turner, I practically reread it right after finishing because the ending just makes you feel unsatisfied. Lol
He's op but the action would still keep you on your toes because there are a lot of op villains as well. The villains' back stories fade in gray because of their miserable circumstances which drove them to be evil. Even Jin, the protagonist himself, was once a miserable child driven to despair and hate to avenge the death of his father, ultimately crashing people regardless whether they're innocent or not, as long as you're in his way to his goal of making a new murim world.
Silver haired nos. are protagonist? Can't count how many times I've reread this, I could almost memorize the dialogues and scenes. Brace yourself for possible heart attack with the countless number of ugly bitches and sobs. But do not fret since satisfactory action scenes of swift revenge/karma is ahead. I like how MC doesn't talk much, and is humble and oblivious. Hate characters that are opposite of him.
Reminder for the bullied: No one can do anything to you what you didn'
Op King + dragon bff x rebirth to square one = exciting and tension-filled path to monster annihilation
King gray, after getting op and taking revenge on his enemies, reached a lonely and empty life and succumbed to sudden death during sleep. It was an exciting adventure of him starting all over again in a different world, different life and a chance of happiness with people he didn't think he'd learn to appreciate and care for. Romance was quite a nuance because of the tender age but
Murim OP + Daddy Dragon + Elemental spirits + mecha x multiple wars = full packed action story
One of those few manhwas that I reread right after catching up on the latest chapter. Super addicting and super OP. He's already OP but since he transported in a different world, he still able to develop more in a lot of aspects not just as a heirarch but as a person as a whole especially in terms of culture, knowledge, language, morals and his path to becoming more op.
Each chapter was chaos. Everyone was so OP. Action scenes will keep you on your toes. A lot of lives were lost but the fast pace won't allow you a break to wallow on the pain and drama. It was a mature read, you'd have to harden your guts with all the bloodshed. Axe hanging by the chest. Bodies riddled with bullet wounds. Missing head. Missing limbs. People driven by anger & despair & chasing after revenge. Justice, honor. Malice&greed. You won't be able to put this do