This story starts off w Love carving dildos out of wood, I cannot make this up, and Peach is the head of his own gang, it is full of great characters, the author gets deep into the politics and growth of gangs. Sounds dull, but it isn’t, Love turns out to be a badass, and peach has his own agenda, very long, and very good, but no sex
Another story I thought I wouldn’t like, truth be told it took at least 20 chapters for me to love this, both are students, uke is gay, seme is straight but falls head over heels for uke, uke still has issues with the whole gay thing and his insecurities, this is long, but it just started hitting its stride...
I think I reread this every ten days, this is my go to, feel good, one of the funniest webtoons, with lines like “Korea isn’t working out to good for you” and delicious desserts made by seme that make me freaking hungry, this story isn’t only funny it has dark back story... but don’t fret, happy ending.. this is not yaoi, but feels like it... guess I will reread today... highly...highly recommend