chapter 53 - this is so good, the relationship between mc and ml is fantastic, even if ml is screwing up all mc's assignments >_< it's on hiatus :'(
chapter 43 - this is so funny omg, want to make an expression pack out of all her different crow faces, and it's refreshing how straightforward they are in their relationship!! Also I'm still laughing over their first kiss >w< - 101 chapters, wait for 150
chapter 42 - what a sweet relationship they have, I love them both so much!! 78 chapters, wait for 80 chapters
chapter 25 - you know what, I really enjoyed this - it's skirting around a lot of easy to fall into tropes - our mc had a fulfilling previous life and is therefore bored with her current one but has enough of a character that it isn't a one joke premise as instead she chooses to find a way to relieve this boredom. This is a really cute and funny story and has one of the most well developed romances in any manhua I've read which was pretty unexpected - 57 official chapters, wait for 80
chapter 39 - a realistic idea of what a guy that got dumped by what he thought was his 'true love' would act like - love that the mc is a bit unhinged because she already went pretty crazy in her first life after she couldn't go back to her own world . The translations are awful, but power through! (use this link for chapters 6-9 - 87 chapters, wait for 80
chapter 30 - I love this so much omg - the characters are fantastic; they're written realistically whilst still being super funny which is unusual for a manhua genre that normally only has caricatures - mc is so funny, he's going to kill me!! - Season one has just ended, I'm so sad I need to read more of this!! - 64 chapters, wait for 80 chapters