Create: 2018-08-17 Last update: 2023-10-12
Man this is from like 2018-2021 (list is full).
Everything on the list should be completed.
Some of it is great, some of it sucks.
I'll probably reread everything and summarize it later if I have time, sorry for the crappy summaries (since this is just a personal list lmao)
If you're looking for specific genres or good summaries, I'd check out legit any list other than this one :')
(Take first 7>pg reviews w a grain of salt bc I wasn't as picky with manga back then)
A world of lies (known as dares or falses) and truths. A normalized thing is only being able to tell the truth, but happens when you can also lie? This story really gets you thinking about morals and where/why/and how lying effects us. It's pretty deep and has a lot of understanding involved. The art style is pretty enjoyable and I'm happy with who the MC ended up with!