Most funniest father-daughter manhwa, the switch up from the father is too much and why the heck are the maids so buff?? Lmao i kept bursting out laugjing, especially when knock off team rocket made a cameo! Seriously one of yhe best as well even if it has some cliche
What a cute and minimalistic art style thats perfect for the story. I read this due to the dragon being connected with another story which involves Llyod from the greatest engineer and im having a blast. Learning more about the lazy dragons wife and how they came to be. Though im sad it doesnt seem to be translated to its completion
This one is ate & so refreshing. It truly focus first on the siblings, sure theres the returning back in time spice added but I love how theres not much comedy or any of those too much acting cutsey moment by fls who are literal adults inside. I love the siblings bond & for once fls heart is set to only one ml. Shes another one of those level headed, cool & amazing fls