the og. the classic. what can i say that hasn't already been said? stunning gorgeous amazing.
buff, gentle giant himbo becomes the primary caretaker for an angry, ostracized little prince through the power of relentless smiles, kindness, and rainbows. i especially love this because in a lot of these ropan stories the main characters only act a certain way as part of their agenda -- but not this guy -- he's pure and kind to the core.
he dies and returns as a frail twink who passes out at the slightest inconvenience. that little prince is very much Not Doing Well. comedic and fantast
spoilers (like more than usual) /// ch 60. thank me later.
this is not really the trope mentioned in the description, but i felt like there are probably some angst lovers who'd like this. shuli's death in her first life is absolutely devastating to read about. the reactions from loved ones are some of the most tear-inducing panels i've read.
but the rest of the manhwa is incredible as well, so i'd just recommend reading the whole thing. hits even harder with context
i love how perfectly this list matches up with my tastes... i am reading or have read every single thing on here oops
FRR it's actually my new obsession
Ok... stupid me didn't see that that was already in your list....
all good hahaha thanks for the rec!
There was this new manga that is totally have to be in this list.
It was Guideverse, and story kinda like Regas.v2