Do I need to justify myself? It's a legit hit.
I'm a sucker for orv, and I'm prepared to cry my eyes out if something happens.
This webtoon is my love like literally... I've read it so many times and I still can't get tired of it
Jiwoon supremacy ♀
It's a wholesome action webtoon
I may just die actually.... It got dropped.... I'm so so sad about this it had so much potential, it was funny, intrigant and also heartwarming. One of my favourite.
Am I a sucker for pain? Yeah maybe...
At first I was a bit sceptical of this story, I thought it wasn't my cup of tea.... Hahaha.... Until it became my cup of tea when we started to know the backstory. The characters, their story, the story itself everything was good!
For me the ending was at the chapter 89. Idc about the happy ever after that the author created cz it didn't make sense for me.
Still such a nice BL... It's a rare master piece
Should I even explain why?
It's a masterpiece that rent free in my mind.
Beautiful story that looks so much realistic ( not that I usually read the stories for their realism, but seeing how the flow goes btw the MC daaaaang), we also have good side characters what can I ask for more? N.O.T.H.I.N.G
It was one of the first webtoon I've ever read, the first one about a dad and his daughter, and the only one I've appreciated till the end.
It's a classic, a must read if you've never encountered it. It checked everything, the plot check, the romance check, the family relationship check, the villains check, a double handsome daddy? Double check.
It made me cry at some point. And when I look at the cover I feel freaking nostalgic, yeah a true masterpiece
I'm a sucker for pain I'd say. But what's make this more enjoyable is how everyone is unstable and don't just heal miraculously. Like we say in friend the relationship "a des hauts et des bas" it makes it feel real and relatable. They're toxic to each other, but I still wish for them a happy ever after