— ex-fiance regrets letting fl go when he learns she truly doesn't want to be with him anymore as he planned to use fl for his own good, scum to the end and only regrets not using her sooner.
— horrible ex-husband doesn't understand why the wife he neglected and allowed to be abused broke up with him, barely regrets mostly just mad fl grew a backbone.
— black-haired lead only recently regrets trying to use fl and her brother, fl's father is scum to the end and will only regret his actions on the death bed.
— ex-husband regrets letting fl go when she finally stops putting up with his bs after he brings home another women, he gets mad that he now has to do work and can't unload it all on fl.
— ml only regrets mistreating fl when she's no longer interested in him.
— in the first life he manipulated and used fl for power and got with her step sis, in this life fl knows better and he regrets the way he's neglected her when he sees her dedicate herself to his brother instead.
— ex-husband brings another lady home and ruins his entire marriage under the idea fl won't leave him becuz she's infertile, spoilers he's infertile and fl doesn't even second guess leaving his ass, only regrets it when it's to late.
— ex-husband regrets cheating on fl and divorcing her when she starts living her best life getting rich.
— ex-husband realizes his wife despises him (rightfully so), he regrets divorcing her for another women as she immediately becomes the heir to the throne right after.