Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 9.1/10
THE action webtoon. So many plot twists and amazing fights and amazing art but it has definitely lost the plot. I have no idea where we're at atp. Its good the first hundred chps but I have no idea whatd happening. Its so messy. I also wish Jay and Daniel were in love...also don't watch the anime.
Genre: Comedy
Rating: 7.9/10
The funniest webtoon i've ever read. Like this is a genuine gigglefart. It can get surprisingly deep at times, but its mostly silly and kind of odd...This is the school life I dream of
Genre: Romance
Rating: 8.8/10
Verrrry cute isekai. I really like it because its more diverse than you'd expect! It tackles issues like body image, child neglect, parenting, queer relationships, and SA. I feel like they teach eachother a lot, but its not really a serious story. Most of the time, its very silly. Also the romance is so cute...its very gentle and they're taking their time with it.
Genre: BL/Drama
Rating: 9.5/10
Non-consensual kissing
I know i'm giving this a high rating even though there is non-con kissing, but! It's a genuinely good story with complex characters and fun times. Each character has their own story and development. Some of them really suck in the beginning, but I promise they get better. The story and the art really improves after the first 200 or so chps. You really gotta trust the process i swear it gets good
Genre: Romance
Rating: 8.8/10
forever hiatus im heartbroken
Another reincarnation story. The story may not be generic, but their romance and experienced are pretty typical of these genres. Their relationship becomes really cute really quick, but the overall goal is to save homunculi, which is very honorable and entertaining. I love both characters, and its heartwarming to know they always cared for eachother.
Genre: Action
Rating: 8.8/10
Isekai but it's more complicated than that. Our MC's overall goal is pretty typical, but he himself is very complex. He's obviously very clever, but he's got a good heart, unlike other cold and calculating MC's. He makes logical decisions but still saves and helps people.
Genre: Action
Rating: 9.7/10
Okay the webtoon IS good, from what i've read. But, I ended up reading the novel, so I don't know whats happening in the webtoon now. But, I can say for sure that I really love Dokja. He's my favorite character of all time, and hes complicated. He's selfless, so much so to self-destruction. I would go more into it, but I could talk forever. The story is amazing, and the characters are all understandable.