Callian and his brain with his master and kiriee….that one poisoned princee
Insufferable baby…pls let deon be happy for onceeeee
He comes from big mage fam and apparently good at everything he does but instead js want an easy life (he wont)
Mc kinda have that 3rd garder syndrome but hes a demon king but noone knows and they def trying to summon the demon king not knowing shitzzz(pls summon the demon that knows him so that they get scared shitless and js go on full surbodinate mode)
Mehh, hes good in thinking and fighting but dumb academivally? No common sense either….pet dragon included
Go back in time and he has some dragon thingy ig , founder family but fallen
Mc eat ppl skills and not that strong but have mystery power?
Op fl tryna build her group to defeat villain and villainnalso included (shes just too op), let this cook
op retired magician tryna live normal live with his smol restaurant( not gonna happen)
Mc knows almost everything cuz he bestie with all powerful ppl in future (in the past) he tryna saves the world (hella confusing plott)