Ughhhh mehh idunno
112224 meh ISEKAI
Love this a lot but should let this stew for a year or two.
S1 - ch44
I don't get why everyone is hating on this, well technically I do get the hate against her brothers on the first 20eps, but against her being a doormat yeahhh nope. I think the comments about hatibg her didn't came from an Asian household where family is a very important thing, and we'll do everything in our power to help and support them as much as we can, especially if they're in precarious circumstances like her brothers were. I know that manhwa isn't for everyone, but I kinda like that their
There is something about it that makes me giddy.
^ Now I know, it's because apparently it has tooooooooooooo much drama haizt. The plot is really nice but let's just wait for it to be finished.
121024 FL => ok ISEKAI reincarnation