What should I say about this one? It has a novel and I always recommend to read the novels, they have more explanations for what's happening in scenes.
A guy got transported into another dude's body who is weak. The dude used to be a swordsman. That's really all I could say since I think it would spoil the story if I say more.
Summary: MC switches lives with someone, his body is dead but the person he switched with isn't. He is now an idol. MC is cold hearted and cute at the same time.
Warning: Even though this might seem like a cute idol story, it talks about mental awareness and self harm.
Likes: It doesn't just say 'The Mc transfers to another body and that body died' and that's it, it also talks about how people who knew MC's old body is affected. Though that was just one person.
He's not a slaughtering master that I ushualy put on this list and he's empathetic, but he's a smart protagonist that's just a little too crazy for this world. He entered a game as Ash, the ushual basterds a protag gets into. It's awesome and it's emotional. If you got a weak heart, I recommend this as a read.
Summary: She was used in her past life so in this life she wants to destroy the country. She's strong and good at fighting. She manipulates finely.
Personal ick: I feel weird about the MC and ML relationship.
Hehe~ Money hungry powerful person
The fights makes me want to cum
That's a joke...
Read the novel.