-Used to update frequently
-Developer inside of Own Game Isekai
-No smut last I checked(it's also Shounen Ai)
-Really liked this, sort of stopped reading after a period when things stopped being super engaging. Did like it though.
-Ongoing, it says
-Dont know the update status
-I don't know basically anything other than it's an Isekai so it's a Surprise!
Beware! Not Isekai, just intense body bending
-Havent seen an update in awhile
-Guy is turned into Ostrich
-No smut
-I remember this one being decently funny
-Updates almost Weekly
-System based reincarnation
-Sus scenes, but no smut
-This one is good but gets confusing somewhere in there and I'm still piecing things together so, maybe it will get better as things go along.
Beware! No Isekai for main character and it's Intense Body Bending for the side character
-Haven't paid attention to updates, but not seen in a good second
-Necromancer based revival(of another character)
-No smut
-I read the novel so I stopped reading this as well. mostly because some scenes were skipped or moved around so it got confusing.
-Dont know about updates
-Its and Isekai, I think. The plot is unknown to me as it apparently doesn't update and generally I didnt finish it or like it
-No longer updates
-No smut
-Its a rollercoaster read but hey at least it's finished, and short.
Beware, Time bending
-Ongoing, apparently
-Updates no not
-Time reversal, I think
-No smut
-I don't remember the story so.......uh, good luck.