She looks after herself mainly and I like it.
Reviews are mixed but I like the story and the characters. The reason for neglect was dum but I like that she has no trust or forgiveness to her family because she doesn’t even think of them as such. It’s cool to see it reversed. ML is cool
She is growing and now refuses to not care for her son openly and proudly. They both have a lot of trauma.
Time travel, bravery, healing from abuse, neglect, awesome art, stupid ml, loving Fl, good mom
She isn’t strong but she is clever and brave. Love her spirit and cunning. Story also doesn’t feel too cliche so I like it a lot!
Ok you have to give a long time but she grows. Like god damn, she is an actual threat. She will actually seduce you to your death. I love her growth and the tragedy is trying with this one.
I feel so so bad for Ethel but I love FL’s growth by loving her child, then learning to love herself and others. Love it! This manga is filled with strong people. Who learn from what they go through
This is so interesting. She is so interesting. She is the main character but don’t actually know a lot about her and she kept herself so isolated that the way she interacts and thinks about people especially with the time travel is warped as hell.
I love it. She is not super strong, or smart or even brave but she preserves because she has no other choice. It’s neat
She is a doing her best, she made a small mistake but actually grew a lot in her last life. I’m cheering for her and her family.
Strong FL, Magic, healing from emotional abuse, caring ml, reincarnation, determination, loving family, great art, cute characters, comedy, A Bear