Red haired girl that does swoon and blush whenever he appears- becomes a little annoying. so it's not void of all romance.
No romance whatsoever.
some bromance tho.
This series was canceled though :( so what you see is what you get.
Has some romance with a girl named Cha hae- it's very forced near the ending of the manhwa. Cha Hae acts like a dumbass when it comes to being around the MC and comes off a little creepy/stalkerish.
No romance so far. He's gained friends/followers instead of love interests.
Girls have slight crushes on him(only 1 or 2 scenes of them blushing), but no romance or real crushes so far
They are trying to setting up romantic interests, but it honestly comes off as friendship so far.
But there is blushing/shyness from most of the women.
No romance so far. MC is too busy catfishing everyone by pretending to be a woman
has slight crushing/romance shown. 2 or so girls blushing, ect. Very little scenes of it, but it's there.
no romance at all so far
no romance so far.
(=・ω・=) adding more series after a year of not coming online because i read 100 chapters of something only to have it blast me with romance im and upset.
Oh my God.....oli got so much on my "want to read" list now thanks to this list HAHAHAHAHA btw I hope you can add more no romance manga in the futureヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~