Chp64 Damn, the art is gorgeous! I love Hestia x Cael!!
Chp87 Oh I'm so glad they changed the art. ML looks better & sexy . FL can be annoying at times, trying to hook up her sister with her husband persistently. No point following the flow of the fairy tale story when she already changed it by running away with her sister .
Chp62 Very interesting & heartbreaking story! The art keeps getting better & loving it! I hope she doesn't die ughh!
Chp68 It was ok. I don't really her childish way most of the times. She tends to be selfish too. No one can force her do things but she can do so towards others. If things didn't go her way, she'll get pissed.
Chp78 Interesting! I hope they get to meet again as a whole family! Rex & Rosica are so cute!!
Chp114 Veronica daddy is shrewd! Damian need to teach that asshole a good lesson!
Chp36 Looks interesting but the translation is so bad. Story turn out confusing due to that.
Chp40 ughh everyone so cute especially Rachel & Zion ! I hope everything goes well!
Chp43 ughh they're so damn cute!!! 100x reincarnated, my gosh (-‸ლ)! It's truly a miracle, she doesn't go cray² & pity her fate too .
Chp43 Interesting! Now I'm craving for mocha latte!