Chp28 Not bad, waiting for more!
Chp43 I can't wait to see if her plans work out. Story pace is kinda slow but it build up the suspense. I just hope there's no hiccups in her grandiose revenge plans.
Chp89 She's so cute & adorable! She's much more mature & strong on her current life even though the longest she ever stayed alive was 12 years old. I hope she gets to be with her dad for real.
Chp70 Oh this is getting more interesting! Waiting for more updates!
Chp23 The story seems interesting but the translation is so awful which makes it more confusing!
Chp77 It was ok but boring for me. Kinda slow paced. There's no hint of any interesting plot/scheme.The bad translation doesn't help too.
Chp71 ah they're both are so cute & gorgeous! Their garden wedding is so beautiful, I love it!! Damn, I hate that creepy abusive emperor! I hope he gets dethroned ASAP! Btw chp70/71 is the same zzz...
Chp60 I thought this gonna be boring but it's not bad. She so cute & adorable. That uncle emperor is so disgusting! I can't wait to see his downfall.
Chp60 That emperor so f*****g selfish, greedy bastard! Man, I hope both mc lived longer & happily
Chp75/76 Both chp are the same zzz! That redhead need to go, such a annoying homewrecker bitch.