Chp73 ML so laid back & can't be bothered with petty issues unless it's about his daughter, family & manor
Chp104 Everything is smooth sailing without annoying characters. Then his sister enter the story. Ughh... oh well, waiting for more updates! I enjoyed reading this interesting story !
Chp88 Damnit, when is he gonna be strong?! ML is so weak, flimsy & too dependant on system. Story is interesting but everytime he get full of himself & end up dying, it's so frustrating!
Chp13 It was a bit confusing. Hopefully they show more of his backstory & progress or even a plot if the story in future.
Chp32 - 20 chapter in & it's already awesome. That asshat mage deserve eternal pain! That Takeda need to roasted, so annoying. Looking forward for more
Chp52 Wondering when they will go for a real battle against that old man. I hope by that time, ML will be stronger!
Chp234 Damn,this is a very long journey!! When will they catch the big boss lol & that crazy Minwa kid??
I was hoping she'll be really strong again after reincarnation through effort but nope.She turn out to be a damsel in distress & frustratingly annoying. Story just get boring, frustrating & annoying now. It's like watching aunties fighting verbally & that's all...
Chp38 She's so cute. But I wish she stop being annoyed at every turn tho...
Chp158 Omygosh Enisha is cuteness overload!! Papa & brothers are a real treat to me, (●♡∀♡) eye~candies!! It's a bit slow getting to the actual plot. I hope nothing bad happen as per the prophecy stated.