Art is eh. Story is eh. On Ch 8. Don't read unless extremely bored.
Fr example of "I can fix him!" Wishing the MC all the best because she deserves it in this piece. I hope the Crowned Prince finds true happiness, too. I don't think he wanted to cut ties with the ML; he probably did it for the sake of that saintess hoe. I'm not saying he wasn't in the wrong, bc he obvi was. I just think he should find someone better suited. 4 stars.
Az is the best, but he's hardly in the first 30 chapters. He really is the hottest guy in this manhwa. So mysterious, so handsome, so kewt. Like, I'm not even here for his bonfire type magic. His character just has umph for some reason (yes, I'm gassing him). Az for president, senator, governor, and mayor!