A cool lil story. The MC's dad, Legis, was CHEF'S KISS. His character development was superb even if it was just him openly showing the MC how much he cherished her. However, I feel like they just threw the mana mishap and the magician stuff in there. They didn't build up the suspense enough for the climax of the story. That was a little disappointing, but hey, we got to see the leads' kids. 3.5 stars!
Who tf these men think they are?? Cassmire is MY LIL STRAWBERRY RHUBARB PIE WITH WHIPPED CREAM AND CHOCOLATE DRIZZLE. Imma make them suckas recognize. >:( Storywise, I love it! The MC (Cassmire) is so loveable and selfless. She's also oblivious to the attention she's getting from these men. I'm on chapter 60, and there's no sign of her falling in love. We like to see that energy! 4 !