-ml is confined to a room due to a curse that turns him to a giant wolf, in which he isn't conscious of either
-fl literally trains him like a puppy
-both confined
-emperor confined ml and a maid who was obsessed with him (orig fl) in a tower secured by magic (to torture and make him miserable)
-(orig plot) ml seduces the maid to get the wand from her to reduce it's magic little by little, when he gets out he kills the maid
-fl became that maid, made a deal with ml and took care of his meals -somewhat became a cooking manhwa
-both are technically trapped, ml cuz of his curse and fl in game
-ml is imprisoned and treated as a criminal due to a curse, if he sleeps, disaster happens
-fl is an apothecary npc (potion-making) stuck in the game and tries to finish the game to get out, feeds ml potions to make him stay awake
-ml kidnapped and confined due to fl's family
-fl takes him in as her "toy" and takes care of him, secretly lets him go (even planned his way out)
-fl tamed and grew blood butterflies using her blood
-fl's family is insane, it's crazy and i love the art
-ml is imprisoned due to a curse that turns him to a beast
-fl meets him in prison after getting locked up due to her brother's crimes
-ml caught and imprisoned by fl's brother cuz orig fl has an obsession with silver wolves
-ml has a curse where he turns into a wolf during a full moon
-fl tames and takes care of ml
-fl has this super strength(?), she's really strong
-caught by fl's family and taken to their shelter
-fl takes care of ml
-imprisoned ml, used as weapon for family
-ml confined himself to the annex after becoming blind after the numerous assasinations and is afraid ppl will found out and he will lose his power
-mentally slowly getting better little by little :)