This is actually funny for some reason LMAO love the ml's character change between the blond and the black hair
I'm speechless I never thought the story behind everything would be this interesting (and complicated). This is a masterpiece for me. (AND strong fl + simp ml)
For those who does not like any drama. This is the one. It has some smut (if some ppl like it). A very classy story with no drama and it's gooood
A veryyyy complicated story line. The og novel is also very long but it is so worth it. It's never boring and it is very interesting. The ml's choice of action is very unpredictable (i cant even catch up of what's happening).
Soooo cute. The art is phenomenal.
I haven't finished reading this but damnnn the knight guy the fl bought is so damn hot (& cute) I like the story as well and the dating game concept it's interesting
Finished chapter 124 currently waiting for more chapters and I could say the crown prince is my fav I LOVE his humour the later chapters with the crown prince is so funny and damn he is fcking majestic
At this point I'm adding everything (not really but) I'm reading but this is so fucking funny HAGAHAGAG it's such a joke it's so funny it's like mocking everything LMAO