Julia Green is a teenager who lives in California alone. When she was feeling her loneliest, she unexpectedly encounters an unknown yet strikingly beautiful boy in her closet. Julia naturally ends up falling for William, who stood by her side in every tough moment... A magical love story that transcends time and space, where they have to fight to stand by each other.
William Shakespeare
Soom goes swimming
Woori’s 5-year old poodle mix, Maru, has turned into a human — a 5-year old little girl, that is! Now Woori’s gone from pet owner to big sister, and it’s her job to keep Maru out of trouble. Human Maru has the same endless curiosity and playfulness of a puppy, but now she can walk into grocery stores, go to kindergarten, and check this out — hold things with her opposable thumbs. Being human rules!
Charlotte Eleanor is an Archmage that once saved the world. Using her magic to die, she instead, reverses her body to a young child and starts a second life as Aria Lissen. She had a fulfilling life in her first lifetime, except for one tiny regret.
From the author of Black Haze