A fun dungeon-esque read 8/10 Recommendation
Beautiful art! Well paced! About the FL trying to survive and escape her Mother's (the saintess's) schemes and save innocent people caught in the crossfire. Brave, smart FL. I am cheering for her. Satisfying to read
9/10 Recommendation
SO PRETTY AND SO WHOLESOME... in the first part.
You're going to love the FL, she's powerful, smart and a little awkward, but we love her all the same. The 'evil' witch raises an illegitimate prince.
9/10 recommendation
Okay. Nice art style, wish is was paced a little quicker, but nothing bad to say. Wait, really pretty art style, however, the more you read it and more you immerse yourseld in theories, you....
You might regret it. Great read but sometimes I regret reading this because of certain male characters, FL/MC is the best, so...
9/10 recommendation