very... intriguing lmao. it's definitely got a "butterfly effect" type plot where one small change causes huge chaos. it's engaging and intense at times which i found enjoyable. the romance was... fine? idk for me personally, i found the ml and fl lacking interactions to justify their love. i feel like they needed more scenes together to make their chemistry more believable. other than that, it's still pretty good.
it's nice! i'm not a huge fan of the scanlation team that worked on this one but i managed to read through most of it okay. despite the hard to read english, i still quite enjoyed this manhwa. the characters were nice and the writing was decent. it's nothing outstanding tbh but it's good if you're bored and need something to read. overall, i'd say it's pretty good.
i had been hesitant on reading this one but i'm glad i finally caved in lmao. it's actually really good! i loved the story progression and the way they handled the characters. it's quite well written which suprised me. i enjoyed reading this one a lot and i highly recommend you read this if you haven't yet (it's free on webtoon btw so go support the artist).
it's pretty good! the fl is pretty damn dense tho so if you're someone who hates really dense mcs, i'd suggest passing this one lmao. other than that tho, i didn't have too many problems with this manhwa! it provided plenty of intriguing content and the twists in the plot had me genuinely invested. the characters are also quite fun to read about so i didn't feel too bored either. had me staying up till 1 am just to finish it lol. go give it a shot!
i liked this one! there was actual good communication and i was so happy bc a lot of these manhwas don't do that (i'm sure you're well aware lmao). the characters are also really interesting and i was so glad that they weren't flat or boring. the mc is also an absolute delight and i really loved the way she was written. it is a tad bit fast paced for my liking but it's still pretty good tho! i just love slow burn so don't mind me lmao. would recommend!
i have... very mixed feelings abt this one. the art is gorgeous first of all and i thought the premise would be pretty standard but ngl, i ended up feeling a bit annoyed? the fl is incredibly stubborn abt her decisions and doesn't really try to see thing in a good light. she also gets practically spoon fed these good things without much of a fight bc her problems get solved before they even get that bad. idk, i feel like it lacks the development for conflict and the fl is stubborn as hell :
pleasantly surprised by this one! i liked the gradual and actually quite healthy romance. they set clear boundaries when needed and i thought it was refreshing. also loved that they both respect eachother and try not to pry into personal details unnecessarily. overall i actually quite liked this one!! i had little to no issues with it :) would definitely recommend it!
it's fun! i could see why it had high ratings. the story was engaging and i didn't feel bored reading it. my only complaints really is that it's a bit anti-climactic? i feel like it could've done way more but it probably focused more on the comedy rather than the impact of the story so i guess it makes sense lmao. it definitely leans more into the humor rather than having a complex or unique storyline. i still liked reading it tho so i'd still recommend it!
very hard to read. the scanlation team that worked on this one made the story hard to follow and made it seem more boring than it already was with the predictable plot :/. it's unfortunate that the translation sucks but i feel like even if it had a good translation, i still wouldn't enjoy it. there's barely anything to keep me invested and the characters really aren't all that interesting. honestly below average imo
it's fine. i found the story pretty decent and didn't feel too bored. i've read so many of these that its hard to find stuff that's actually amazing lmao. this one is just pretty average tbh. the art does change after season 1 so be aware but imo, i think the new artstyle looks fine. the ml is definitely a bit... protective and obsessive (but like, slightly in a bad way lol) which ticked me off but i still kept reading anyway. the fl is decent too. i'd say it's ok