Mc went from ML to bottom rl qk TWT
Me personally, cannot fathom the second hand embarrassment and the overwhelming internal conflict I experienced reading this. But overall descent. Just lost interest overtime.
Amazing art, traditional and ink brush type, MWah. Master/shizun type MC & apprentice ML except they’re actually travel partners <333
.... starts off shounen --> no so much afterwards. Manhwa
P cool? i liked the beginning, funky and playful type relationship? --> lost interest afterwards, dunno if continue
WARNING (might change idk but this is when I read it): the translation are not the best (it’s dogshit.) but whatever.
Overall as of after reading 3 chapters, the premise is not entirely uncommon. Ur usual body possession of someone (in this case actor — + entertainment industry tag) and then mc is left with the scraps to sort things out.
- no previous body memory’s
- first impression of ml (MOE): cold, brooding silver haired —> silver fuckinf puppy whose smhw rl pathetic (exaggeration)
Body possession, kinda like transmigration, but this is in like current timeline and same world and fucking idk man he becomes a school boy (idk idk idk)
I’m losing my mind it’s 4:04, I just need to know who the ml is so I don’t have any regrets bu I can only get up to ch5 my attention span is so bad.
(Will continue to read :)))