Do not read this if you’re in a bad place mentally.
This is my all time favourite manga, I don’t usually read psychologicals as I’m in a very bad mindset but I thought I could take it. (Spoiler-I couldn’t. I had to stop reading at one point, it got too much for me.) I know I’m building this up as a big thing but it’s just very depressing. But they do end up together and happy so?
(WARNINGS: murder, violence, obsession, depression. So much angst.)
If you haven’t heard of semantic error atleast once you haven’t LIVED. Listen babes when I say slow burn I meeeannnn slow burn. Like we’re 40 chapters in and they’ve just had smex kinda slow burn. There's getting some angsty bits now we're later into it, but i'm hoping it'll be resolved soon :(.
(WARNINGS:ill update this if anything happens, but so far nothing worth mentioning apart from angst and smex. also why on earth do I say smex.)