Busybody Woman gets ***** by the Mad Love & Hatred of a Snake Possessed Man YANDERE
WOAH, snake very hot
The Spy Who Ravished Me ~Reborn As a Mafia Princess in a Deadly Game~
OH MY GOD this is so fucking HOT so good I think I love this author. Reincarnated Mafia girl kidnapped by body guard
Thoroughly Devoured By A Beguiling Vampire 1
- umekoppe
Vampire friend drink blood
Thoroughly Devoured By A Beguiling Vampire 2
- umekoppe
Sequel to that
Now he gotta brother
You’re Cutest When You’re Pathetic ~Obsessed Golden Retriever Boy Haru’s Disciplinary Sex~
Younger neighbor finds out that girl is hella freaky and gets freaky w her
Welcome to the Muscle Salon!
-Anji aizawa
Like brothel for muscly men who all have a reason they can’t fall in love, then some girl comes and can solve all their reasons, little cliche, and I feel like the bangs guy got cheated
Azato kawaii X-kun no Shuchaku Sado kobi wa Honmonodesu.
- Aizawa Anji
Insane, super sadistic gonna kill that girl tbh
Human Sacrifice!! Bitch-chan
-Rororogi mogera
Girl getting fucked my ghosts, don’t know what that last part was about. But good v good
Toire no jimi-ko to omukae no gokusotsu
-Rororogi mogera
Like ghost deeper guy finding horny spirits and letting them pass on, finds a young girl he can’t pass on