Best comic written IMO, the wit, the cinnamon roll, just ***chef's kiss***
I don't care what genre you usually read, do your self a favor and read this one!
The order is so messed up, once you finish chp 21 skip a bunch until ch 43, it seems to pick up properly from there. Don't be intimidated by the number of chps, they are very short. Def worth a read imo, nothing spectacular but the pacing is really good so it is easy to stay invested and the art is decent.
So..fing..good, though the translation can be painful at times. ML goes back in time to kill his nemesis (the "good" guy) fortunately neither of the characters are so black and white as good and bad so going back in time causes all sorts of changes to the timeline. Now that his Aunt is alive and he doesn't have a villian's backstory, how will he move forward? Will he still kill his nemesis or become a hero. The humor in this is right up my alley, such a fun read.