It's like watching a detective drama, but the reality is you're reading something and you're still experiencing the same amount of suspense and confusion. I've always been a fan of this type of story where you don't know if the main character is the villain or the good guy.
I initially thought that this was going to be a bloody manhwa with lots of killing, betrayal, and psycho stuff. I got the psycho stuff, alright, and I'm satisfied with that.
*A phone call from the future to prevent a death from the past.*
-This story put a genuine smile on my face a few pages before the end of Chapter 15 and literally made me a bawling mess a few minutes after. The plot holds so much promise from the start and it never failed my expectations. The poetic and mysterious way of the author to tell the story made it so beautiful and breathtaking. This was a M A S T E R P I E C E !