10/10, on-going.
One of my fave. The mc loves to eat same as me though in his reality, he still has eating disorder, it's v sad. I love him with both of his bodies! The mc is op too and is helpful as long as you give him food. Its kind of comedy too. It's still has no romance.
10/10, on-going.
Is this good? It is vv good. You want a very op mc? You can have what you want. As someone who loves op character and good fight scene, this manhawa has it. A vv good art and vv satisfying fight scene. It is also comedy. Ghad I love this. Although you can find some loopholes in the plot, if you're the type of reader who really just reads, I think it is fine. It also has no romance!
8/10, on-going.
This is good, really good. The plot, the art, it's uniqueness yet Idk but for me, something is kinda off. Maybe my personal preference but yeah, there's something about it that I can't pinpoint that's giving me an off vibe. Overall I really think it's good. There's a hint of romance but nothing is really bothering.
8/10, on-going.
It's good tho it did not click that much on me. It makes me bored at some parts, maybe because I personally like bloody/gore-like action-fantasy genre to read. Overall, it's good. The plot is unique, the art is also good. Still in progress of reading it so idk if it has romance.
10/10, on-going.
This is really good! I really love the mc's arrogant and cunning personality. And ghad, his twisted smile, I love it so much! I love mc's who doesn't bs-ing and kill w/out hesitation. The only annoying part I see is how slow-paced it is. I know how important the plot and dialogues are but it is very slow-paced story. Overall, it is still very good and the art is also good! It has no romance (ig).
10/10, on-going.
It is very good! I love how ruthless the mc is and planning everything to dominate the world. It has no romance (as of now) and I don't think it will have since the mc only focuses on making himself the strongest.