The story unfolds as two newscasters Joori, Byeon and Hari Byeon, whose lives are at two ends of the spectrum, get into a car accident. Joori quickly regains her consciousness at the hospital, but she finds out that she is now in Hari's body and that she has to marry a total stranger Hueil, Hari's fiancé, a millionaire with such rudeness. She tries to make sense of everything while Hari still remains unconscious. Along the way, she discovers that Hari's marriage was contractual and that everythi
That woman was used as a tool to break off her engagement. After they use her she will be thrown away…
Helen Godwin, a hired family tutor for the Somerset family. Helen only wanted to focus on the education of her student, Henry, but Henry’s older brother, Raymond Somerset started to express interest in her.
Along with Raymond’s beauty, complicated relationships with women also followed. At first, Helen tried to stay away from him, but she slowly started to fall for his kindness without knowing
Bom Sol, owner of 'Cafe Spring,' is now on a job search after closing it down. Though good looking and skilled, she came to work under the world renowned (but also prickly) barista Jake K. For some reason, he looks familiar? This is Bom Sol's first experience working in a company. Can she get through this smoothly?
"Isn't it time you remembered? Cafe Spring, frequent customer, high schooler."
Like other devils of his kind, Hyeonshin has adapted to the modern world to consume the Deadly Sin, Pride. Working as a plastic surgeon means there's always more than enough ego around him to feed off of. There's just one small problem: because of past trauma, he has an overwhelming repulsion toward blood! Luckily, a solution appears in the form of a plucky human named Ina, whose eyes seem to have the mysterious effect of alleviating this condition. Knowing that she's desperate to book a surgery
Mermaids, with their sweet voices and beautiful looks, must seduce humans to feed on their hearts. But Dee refused to eat the heart of Lewen, the Prince of Erenbur, after falling in love with him. In return, she lost her voice, but gained two legs and a chance to meet her prince again on land. Meanwhile, Lewen's elder brother, Lewinel, returns home with Princess Irena of Ladivita, whom he has to marry for the sake of his nation. But when these four come together, everything will be thrown into c