Create: 2022-02-14 Last update: 2024-10-25
Just me at 5am, instead of sleeping, I'm reading these.
I DEF don't have a lecture in couple hours, nah no wayyy heh... damn I'm fked
= my rating
Watched the donghua serie, read all the available chapters & listened to sum drama CDs! (o´艸`) This is a masterpiece! I just want to cry cuz these poor babies deserve all the best, and they're so beautiful together! I especially enjoyed the donghua cuz of the absolutely amazing sounding instruments n addicting music. ( ˃ω˂ )
"We part ways with a song, but no matter how far apart we are, we will meet again someday"
Must-read! I dont believe in true love, but bruh if this is not true love then idk what is. Both main charas r so beautiful n lovable.
Both manhua n donghua r so good! (watched n read in one go + rewatched some parts to truly understand the meaning + listening to all the amazing songs non-stop = rip uni)
(Writing this review while listening to "one flower, one sword" 30 min after watching the donghua's special episode which resulted in me crying.)
The protagonist is such a cool beauty, I'd freeze in his presence. He's fearless n always keeps that handsome poker face on. Not only got visuals but he's also a brainiac. *simping*
The future husbando is a *chefs kiss* too! You can see that he's very interested in our protagonist. Those stares they share from time to time GOSH and damn those long legs, lean but toned bodies and beautiful faces. Can't wait for more chapters!
Our protagonist here is trying to create a happy ending for his "husbando" in a shoujo manga based world, where he's the villain. Sadly (happily) nothing is going his way lmao
Very cute n funny manhua, the visuals rock in this one too!
This is a survival game themed manhua.
The protagonist is like a mother hen protecting the baby ML. They're so cute together OMG! I really do hope they can happily end up together, can't watch baby "A" being sad n hurt anymore, it hurts me. *cries*
This is so friggen cute! MY HEART IS LOSING IT!
Pure fluff no evil means or twists. Both the protagonist n the ML r so cute personality wise n look wise. I can't stop smiling when ML is super touchy *grin* or when the protagonist "messes up" n starts blushing n doing some dumb things lmao <3 This seriously warms my heart! Don't worry babies I ship u guys too!
This is quite intresting! I listened to the audio novel too after reading this manhua. There's gotta be a second season (;▽;) It can't just end there.
Good stuff! I recommend downloading an app called 快看漫画 there u can watch this (n many moar) w amazing voices tho it's only in Chinese. ꒰˘⌣˘๑꒱♡
Very sweet n bubbly love~ (//∇//) They r so cute together!!