Plot: A man leaves his home tribe after an accident leads him to discover that his after life was a lie. Now he seeks to travel the world to discover and see all there is and hopefully find a place for his soul to rest after he dies.
Stand out elements: Deep introspection into religion and relationships. Gorgeous looking art. An overpowered protagonist that can win any fight. Very detailed world building with political intrigue and many religions. Character centric narrative.
Plot: After gaining the ability to go back in time 24 hours every time he dies the protagonist decides to travel years into the past to fix his mistakes and start over again. As he gains experience with each death he slowly learns more about the mysterious tower that has appeared in his world.
Stand out Features: Many generes in one. Unique execution of tropes. Best Romance I’ve ever seen for this type of series. Meaningful character relationships. Interesting use of regression ability.
Plot: A man know as the weakest hunter in the world get the opportunity to grow stronger. Going from fight to fight he quickly raises to unimaginable heights but discoveries he makes along the way spell doom.
Stand out Points: A classic in its Genre. Simple Story. Excellent Power Scaleing. Gorgeous Art. A LOT of fights. Extreme Hype.
Plot: After being sent back in time main character must find a way to prevent coming disasters and gather enough comrades to prepare for the fight ahead.
Stand out Points: Adorable Characters. Cute Family dynamic. Fun Chaos energy from entire cast. Interesting underlying story. Ever expanding cast. Slow power progression.