MC is repulsive trash. Idc to see any redemption, if there is any, and no matter what, what he did to ML is unforgivable. I'll never see him as deserving of love and respect of the ML so if they're trying to sell me love between these 2, better luck next time. I'm out.
Both char's are hella annoying, disgusting and unfunny. Not wasting my time.
Not my thing. Storytelling need some serious work for such an ambitious plot. Too much going on at once but if no one cares and the story doesn't engage the reader, everyone will be lost.
Hate MC. If he's not gonna die, there's no pt.
Being scared by people's skin colour ain't smth I can overlook, even if some people think it's excusable for cultural/ignorance reasons in specific societies. They are who they are, but I am who I am and I can't force myself to be okay w/ continuing to read this after being so thoroughly nauseated and put off. I can't help that I will NEVER understand why darker complexions would be perceived as 'scary'. I couldn't stomach reading past that specific scene, so Idc to know if she changed.